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South GA Flames Code of Conduct

The South GA Flames is committed to fostering a positive and respectful environment for all players, coaches, and parents. Our mission extends beyond basketball—we aim to develop young athletes who exhibit sportsmanship, integrity, and respect on and off the court. By being a part of this team, you agree to uphold the following standards:


For Players


  1. Respect the Game – Play with integrity, give your best effort, and respect teammates, coaches, referees, and opponents at all times.

  2. Sportsmanship – Win with humility, lose with dignity, and never engage in taunting, trash-talking, or unsportsmanlike behavior.

  3. Commitment – Attend all practices and games on time and ready to contribute to the team’s success.

  4. Respect Authority – Follow directions from coaches, officials, and team leaders without argument or defiance.

  5. Off-Court Behavior – Represent the South GA Flames positively in your community, at school, and online. Avoid behavior that could bring a negative reputation to yourself, your team, or your family.

  6. Travel Conduct – Follow all team travel rules, respect hotel and transportation staff, and uphold high character when representing the team in different cities and venues.

  7. Teamwork – Support your teammates, communicate positively, and encourage each other through successes and challenges.

  8. No Tolerance for Violence or Bullying – Physical altercations, cyberbullying, or any form of intimidation will not be tolerated and will result in disciplinary action, including suspension or removal from the team.


For Coaches


  1. Lead by Example – Display professionalism, respect, and patience at all times. Your behavior sets the tone for the players.

  2. Teach and Inspire – Focus on developing athletes both on and off the court, teaching them skills that apply to basketball and life.

  3. Encourage Sportsmanship – Reinforce the importance of fair play, integrity, and respect for all participants in the game.

  4. Be Approachable – Maintain open communication with players and parents while keeping all interactions respectful and constructive.

  5. Ensure Player Safety – Prioritize the well-being of each athlete by promoting safe training methods and addressing any concerns promptly.

  6. No Abuse of Authority – Treat all players fairly, without favoritism or discrimination, and never use intimidation or inappropriate discipline.

  7. Respect Opponents & Officials – Accept referees’ decisions without argument and encourage players to do the same.

  8. Travel Expectations – Ensure all players follow team travel guidelines and promote discipline and respect during trips.


For Parents & Guardians


  1. Support the Team Respectfully – Encourage players with positive reinforcement and avoid negative comments towards players, coaches, referees, or opposing teams.

  2. Respect Coaches’ Decisions – Trust the coaching staff’s expertise and avoid undermining their authority during games and practices.

  3. Demonstrate Good Sportsmanship – Cheer respectfully, regardless of the game’s outcome, and refrain from disruptive behavior at games.

  4. Encourage Commitment – Support your child’s dedication to the team by ensuring they attend practices and games regularly.

  5. Communicate Constructively – Address concerns through proper channels rather than engaging in sideline coaching or public criticism.

  6. Model Good Behavior – Just as players are expected to conduct themselves respectfully, parents should also represent the South GA Flames with integrity.

  7. Travel Responsibility – When accompanying the team on trips, follow all team guidelines and ensure your child maintains appropriate behavior.

  8. No Tolerance for Negative Conduct – Any behavior that disrupts the team’s environment, including verbal abuse, threats, or aggression, will lead to restricted participation or removal from events.


Consequences for Violations


Any violation of this Code of Conduct will result in appropriate disciplinary action, which may include:

  • Verbal or written warning

  • Suspension from practices, games, or team activities

  • Permanent removal from the team


This Code of Conduct ensures that the South GA Flames fosters a culture of respect, discipline, and growth for all its members. Let’s set the example and uphold the highest standards on and off the court!

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